Thomas Michael (Mike) Amyx
Businessman, Lawrence, KS Mayor
Lawrence High School
Thomas Michael (Mike) Amyx is a lifelong resident of Lawrence - parents Tom and Shirley Amyx.
He graduated from LHS in 1971.
He graduated from Farrell Academy of Barbering, Kansas City, MO in 1975.
He was a barber from 1975-1998 at Amyx Barber Shop, a family owned and operated business since 1942.
In 1998 he became Owner/Operator of the shop.
He is a former member of the Kansas Board of Barbering and served several terms as the Chairman.
Mike was elected to the Lawrence City Commission from 1983-1988 and served as Mayor 2 terms - 1985-1986 and 1987-1988.
He was elected to the 2nd District Douglas County Commission from 1988-1993 and served as Chairman for 2 terms from 1990-1992.
Mike was then elected to the Lawrence City Commission in 2005 to present and served as Mayor from 2006-2007, 2010-2011, 2014-2015 and 2015-2016.
Mike is married (Marilyn) and they have one son, Chris.